
What are the available payment methods?

We accept the following methods of payments: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal.

Can I cancel or make changes to my order?

Once an order is placed, we instantly process it to ensure the quickest delivery possible. If you wish to cancel or modify your order, please contact the P448® Staff by sending an email to contact@p448.com as soon as possible and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

I didn’t receive my order confirmation. Why not?

If you haven’t received an order confirmation, please first check if your payment went through. If your payment did not go through, please contact the P448® Staff by sending an email to contact@p448.com.

Something went wrong with my order. Who can I contact?

You can either send a message to P448® Staff under contact us on our website or send us an email at contact@p448.com.